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Exploration in the Age of Discovery

Old World Map
Traditional Spices in Market
Ships at Sea

A historical journey that traces the origins of today's globalized economy, beginning with Columbus's groundbreaking voyage to the colonization of the Americas and the infusion of Indian spices and exotic foods into the world's commerce. This narrative unfolds against the backdrop of monumental discoveries, groundbreaking inventions, and tragic events that collectively shaped the interconnected global landscape we know today.

Columbus's inaugural voyage serves as a pivotal moment, opening the floodgates to a new era of exploration and trade. Witness the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures as the Old World and the New World converged, laying the foundation for the modern global economy.

Explore the spice trade, a catalyst for cross-cultural connections that not only revolutionized culinary landscapes but also fueled economic expansion. Trace the journeys of traders, explorers, and merchants as they navigated the seas, bringing with them not just commodities but also the exchange of knowledge and technologies.

Delve into the complexities of colonization, recognizing both the opportunities and tragedies that marked this period of history. Uncover the impact of inventions and innovations that transformed economies, from the printing press to maritime advancements.

This historical narrative invites reflection on the intricate interplay between exploration, commerce, and culture that has shaped our contemporary world. By understanding the stories of discovery, the allure of spices, and the tragedies of colonization, we gain insight into the roots of our globalized economy and the diverse threads that have woven together the tapestry of human history.

Topics covered include:

  • Marco Polo and first Eastern contacts

  • Henry the Navigator and the Portuguese expeditions

  • Columbus and the Spanish expeditions

  • The treaty of Tordesillas and its consequences

  • Exploring the New World

  • The Indian route and the spice trade

  • First explorations of the Pacific islands

  • Hernan Cortes and the Aztec

  • Francisco Pizarro and the Inca

  • And more...

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